Step 8: Saddle Tree Angle

Now I am going to talk about how you can check your saddle’s tree angle, and whether or not it fits the horse’s shoulder angle. We as saddle fitters use a device that measures the shoulder angle.

You put the device behind the shoulder and what we want to see is that the upper arm is parallel with the shoulder angle. You can see in the video how this has the same angle.

How would the horse react besides being uncomfortable? If the saddle pinches here (as shown in video), the horse won’t go forward. The horse will shake his head and will also bring his head up. As a rider, I may have a very qualified horse and a very expensive horse, but he won’t go forward because that is a reflex point that shortens the movement in the shoulder. Also, it will hollow the horse’s back, and we all know that you don’t want a horse with a hollow back. Once again, that puts excessive pressure on the SI joint. So stay away from pinching on the side and make sure the angle of the tree matches the angle of the shoulder.

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