Better said… “YOUR SADDLE IS ONLY AS GOOD AS THE PERSON WHO FITS IT!  Many horse owners are unsure of what correct saddle fit is, and many saddlefitters are unaware of the aspects of saddle fit that do or do not restrict the horse, harm the horse or unbalance the rider to the point they have to ride in tension, or a forced position to keep an alignment.

There are saddlefitters who are actually a “saddle salesperson” who knows just enough to convince to you buy their product without being able to evaluate a correct fit.  As with any profession there are those that excel and some who do not. Since there is no general certification requirement or education system in the US, most saddlefitters get their training from a saddle company that they represent.  I know that there many saddle companies that don’t know, or don’t care, about how saddles should fit properly by examining how the saddles are made.  The most common problem I see is the tree gullet is too narrow at the top and too wide of an angle (again the argument for an truly adjustable gullet plate.  There is hardly a horse this would fit properly…I became so frustrated at seeing this around the world that I made a video to help explain the theory.